Hello friends,
Greetings to all in the matchless name of, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Past few days I am struggling with a fight inside, Flesh Vs Spirit. Without my intention I started hating a person and no matter how hard I try, I fail.
It is really good to find your answer in the Bible and I meditated about the parable-The Good Samaritan.
click here to read THE PARABLE.
I was just too sad I don't know how many of you go through the same.
Once you know you are wrong, you try to talk to the Lord and His advice is very loud and clear.
You know what you ought to do but it is equally hard to kill your flesh. When God asked me to appreciate that person which I really could not, I started behaving as if I don't understand what my Lord is talking about.
I still kept on crying for a solution in fact an easy solution for me.
When we read the parable of the Good Samaritan, we understand following important points...
1) Teacher of the Law tried to trap Jesus.
And i found myself...
2) Priest
3) Levite
4) Good Samaritan
Greetings to all in the matchless name of, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Past few days I am struggling with a fight inside, Flesh Vs Spirit. Without my intention I started hating a person and no matter how hard I try, I fail.
It is really good to find your answer in the Bible and I meditated about the parable-The Good Samaritan.
click here to read THE PARABLE.
I was just too sad I don't know how many of you go through the same.
Once you know you are wrong, you try to talk to the Lord and His advice is very loud and clear.
You know what you ought to do but it is equally hard to kill your flesh. When God asked me to appreciate that person which I really could not, I started behaving as if I don't understand what my Lord is talking about.
I still kept on crying for a solution in fact an easy solution for me.
When we read the parable of the Good Samaritan, we understand following important points...
1) Teacher of the Law tried to trap Jesus.
And i found myself...
- Often we know the truth.
- Often we know what we should do.
- But what is difficult is to implement the same and not to trap the Spirit.
- He also asked a question with no intention of living out the implications of its answer.
2) Priest
- You might be the one preaching but are you the one practicing?
3) Levite
- You might be the one practicing in front of people for your own glory but are you the one sincerely doing it for the glory of the Lord.
4) Good Samaritan
- People might despise you but God' standard of judging is entirely different.
5) Our stubbornness.
Here we see how even when the Lord explained about being good to others,good to your neighbor(any person you encounter is your neighbor) the person failed to understand that.
He said, "the one who was kind to him" and not the "Samaritan"
"The one who was kind to him" indicate a reluctance to name the Samaritan.
Jesus is drawing a strong contrast between those who knew the law and those who actually followed the law in their lifestyle and conduct.
we are now forced into an uncomfortable situation of self-analysis.
"The one who was kind to him" indicate a reluctance to name the Samaritan.
Jesus is drawing a strong contrast between those who knew the law and those who actually followed the law in their lifestyle and conduct.
we are now forced into an uncomfortable situation of self-analysis.
There we understand our stony heart.
It is difficult to appreciate people if we are not ready to let God correct us.
It is difficult to appreciate people if we are not accepting the fact that we need help.
The man had asked, ‘Who is my neighbor?’ but Jesus faced him with the question ‘To whom am I neighbor?’” (Tyndale Commentary on Luke 1975: 208)
The man had asked, ‘Who is my neighbor?’ but Jesus faced him with the question ‘To whom am I neighbor?’” (Tyndale Commentary on Luke 1975: 208)
Let the Holy spirit guide you, more and more and drive out all your bondage.
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