Greetings to all in the priceless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

- Just few days back while I was chatting with my friend, she asked me a strange question, "Where was God, When I was tempted?" I asked her to trust the Lord and we logged off. This question still hurts me.
- But soon I heard a beautiful sermon on Zacchaeus and somehow I could connect with the story.
- Zacchaeus was a wealthy man, chief tax collector. He was enriching himself at the expense of poor people. Though he was of middle age and well dressed, yet he climbs tree to see Jesus.
- And the most powerful verse in this entire story is, "Jesus went on into Jericho and was PASSING THROUGH. -LUKE 19:1"
- Do you think Jesus was unaware of Zacchaeus's hunger to meet Him?
- Do you think Jesus did not know he was a chief tax collector?
- Do you think Jesus was not aware of his life?
- What we understand from this small story is that nowhere in the Gospel, Jesus ever imposed Himself on anyone. He announces the Kingdom of God, He invites Faith but never imposes it on anyone.
- Next time when you are tempted, do you hear a cry within, "Dear Son/Daughter do not do it?" That's Jesus passing by.
- We must take the opportunity to respond to Him!
- Then strive to renew your mind with His Word. Instead of seeing Him passing by, see Him living in you and working through you.
- Instead of trying to get His attention, start paying attention to His indwelling presence. He’s right there, in your spirit, ready to fellowship with you anytime.
- Stop asking for what you already have and let your faith become effectual by continually acknowledging every good thing you have in Christ Jesus (Philemon 6).
Hai Anu chechi...jus reply to ur friend dat He was standing near to her when she was tempted...& He wanted her to hold Him firm & wait for His care & protection...we ol knew the story of the Three men in the chapter of Daniel,
when the King Nebuchadnezzar tied & threw the three into fire, wot happen dre? One of His adviser came dre & said “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”
dre seems the unbeatn faith of the Three men & the lov of our evr loving Abba father...:) <3 God never tempts Us, Only Satan does dat, but whle we are tempted remember God is with Us & He il flee the filthy Satan away frm Us....very nyc article of urs..thnx fo sharing....
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